OCT 20, 2013

Is your Carpet Trying to Kill you?

Dirt, dust mites and bacteria are present in all of our homes; most of the time they pose no threat to us. However, when dust mites and their faeces are breathed in by an asthma or allergy sufferer they can irritate the nasal passages and lungs, causing breathing difficulties and asthma attacks.

The debate surrounding the health benefits of laminate flooring versus carpet continues. Some experts claim that carpet stores bacteria and dust mites and releases them into the air whenever the carpet is walked on; while others believe that carpet is good because it holds on to dust and allows you to vacuum it away.

Carpet: Pros and cons
Some people buy in to the theory that the fibres in carpet provide plenty of tiny nooks and crannies in which dirt and bacteria can hide. Any moisture added to the carpet will enable bacteria to thrive and spread. When the carpet is trodden on the bacteria and dust are dislodged and allowed to become air borne again where people can breathe them in.

On the other hand, many experts believe that the fibres in the carpet hold on to dust and bacteria and keep them from being air borne and harmful. Regular vacuuming picks up all the dust and bacteria and completely removes it from your home where it can no longer be breathed in.

Laminate: Pros and cons
Many experts believe that laminate flooring is much better for the health of asthma and allergy sufferers as it provides a smooth surface with no hidden holes where dust and bacteria can hide. Laminate flooring is also relatively easy to care for with regular sweeping and the occasional damp mopping.

However, some would argue that the lack of places for dust to hide means that it is constantly air borne and circulating in the home. Sweeping tends to just move dust around, and surely you’d need to sweep several times a day to keep on top of the dust situation?

In conclusion, at the end of the day it comes down to personal preference, some people prefer the crisp, modern look of laminate flooring while others enjoy the warmth and comfort of soft carpet on their bare feet. Both types of flooring require regular and thorough cleaning in order to remove the dust and bacteria that can potentially pose a threat to asthmatics.

Created on 20th October 2013
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